
Hemp field sampling procedure


The Trade and Consumer Protections Hemp Pilot Research Programs Sample Collection Standard Operating Technique is a modified version of this procedure. It's designed for pre-harvest hemp sampling, so you can examine your hemp before harvesting it.

Equipment Needed

  • Pen/Marker

  • Sanitizing wipes

  • Sample bags

  • Pruners or Shears

  • Hand counter (Optional)

Group 71

Key Factors To Remember

Each sample must be sampled individually to ensure that the hemp is healthy and free from contaminants.

The Department of Agriculture defines "lot" as; an area in a field or greenhouse containing 15 female plants throughout its site.

If there are fewer than this number, it cannot officially call itself lot material for sampling purposes.

Determining the amounts of plants to sample

The number of random samples you should take from each lot will depend on what type and potency level your product falls into. The minimum required amount is given below, but additional ones may be needed for certain types or levels.

15-19 15
20-22 16
23-25 17
26-28 18
29-32 19
33-38 20
39-44 21
45-53 22
54-65 23
66-82 24
83-108 25
109-157 26
158-271 27
272-885 28
886+ 29

Before Sampling

If you are looking to take a representative sample of your lot, you can reap the optimal results for sampling and ensure an accurate analysis of the overall condition and quality of your item based on the following factors:

Lot type

Lot type

Plant Maturity

Maturity of the Plant

Percent flowering

Flowering Percentage

Average height and appearance

Average Appearance & Height

Lot homogeneity

Lot Homogeneity of the Lot

To avoid any possible risk of contamination, it may be necessary to divide the lot into smaller portions and sample them separately.

Gaps or structures dividing the lot

Slits or edifices
that divide the lot

Large agronomic differences within the lot

Huge agronomical
variances in the lot

Procedure for Sampling

Sampling the field in a saw-tooth pattern will ensure even coverage of all plant areas. Provide evenly-spaced cuttings throughout your property with samples from one section or lot that can then be used for planting other lots as needed, without having any bias towards certain parts due to how it was sampled originally.

Group 68
Group 66 (1)

Sample Collection

  • 1 Place a two-inch piece of cola in the sample container.
  • 2 Keep track of how many cuts you've made.
  • 3 Choose random representative plants
    a. Healthy plants with various appearances should be included so that each type of plant is represented in the sample.
  • 4 Fold the top of the bag and secure it tightly after you've taken all of the clippings.
  • 5 The cutting tool should be cleaned and sanitized right after.
  • 6 Repeat steps 1–5 for each lot that has to be sampled if more specimens are needed.

Homogenizing a Sample Lot

The amount of sample obtained will be more significant than what is necessary for most analyses (1 gram required for potency test). Before any analysis, the material must be homogenized. Otherwise, the results of any chemical analysis would not be representative of actual conditions. For a small sample prep fee, CannaLabs can homogenize the sample when it arrives at our lab.


To homogenize a sample:

  • Clean out the sample container of any leaves or other material.
  • Remove the flower from the stalk and set it in a sanitized, clean blender or grinder. It's best to use a waring blender or a coffee grinder. Batch grinding is permissible as long as the collections can be uniformly homogenized.
  • Grind the flower until it is consistent in texture.
  • Divide the homogenized sample into parts and place them in the appropriate test container.
  • Sanitize and clean the blender/grinder
  • For any more sample lots, repeat procedures 1–5.

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